Fishing tackle travel case-BLOODLINE BRAID

LB. TEST 10LB 20LB 30LB 40LB 50LB 65LB
SPOOL SIZE 600 1300 330
Bloodline Braid is one of the strongest microfilament fishing braids in it's class.

No frills and completely frictionless, this super-soft 4-strand superline allows for long distance casts with no tip whip on spinning and centerpin rods.  

In 50LB and 65lb, it makes the perfect trolling backing line for copper and lead core setups minimizing wind drag when used with planer boards.

  • 330 yard and 1300 yard spools
  • 4 Strand Carrier Construction
  • Sky Blue color

Reel Fill Calculators when spooling trolling reels, please be aware of the following diameters

  • 65LB .019"
  • 50LB .014"
  • 40LB .012"