Fishing rod balance tray-Duel Fluorocarbon Power Leader |50m| 50lb-80lb

Size 50lb 60lb 80lb

Strong against scratches!! Flexible yet low elongation.
100% fluorocarbon shock leader.

  • Adopts a natural clear colour that does not cause diffuse reflection of light underwater, has a refractive index close to that of water, and
    does not alert fish.
  • 100% fluorocarbon shock leader with excellent abrasion resistance, flexibility, easy to tie, low elongation, and high sensitivity.

Adoption of flexibility design according to size

Medium-high tone (12-30 lbs.)
Flexible yet firm and firm, with a little stretch and good sensitivity.
Medium to soft tone (40 to 100 Lbs.)
Suppresses the excessive stiffness characteristic of thick threads, making it difficult to curl.
The knots are also smooth. Soft with just the right amount of firmness. Improved shock resistance.


  • You can quickly pull it out to the required length and it will stop when you cut it.
  • Soft resin holder to prevent thread damage at the spool edge
  • A holder that covers the thread blocks salt and UV rays.


Strength(lb/kg) Size Diameter(mm) Color
50m 50lb/22kg 14 0.620mm Natural Clear
50m 60lb/28kg 16 0.660mm Natural Clear
50m 80lb/36kg 22 0.780mm Natural Clear