Fishing hook crimp tray-Frodin SSS Angel Hair HD

Color Alta Gold Charcoal Black Clear Water Blue Diamond Pearl Evil Magenta Gaudy Green Hot Greenlander Green Hot Magma Yellow Hot Orange In Flames Mikkeli Blue Nasty Rusty Octopuzzy Red Pahtakorva Bronze Rainbow From Hell Sea Lice Silver

HD stands for heavy duty. This is a heavier type of Angel Hair. The material is somewhere between common flash and the original Angel Hair quality. You often experience the common flash being too heavy and the Angel Hair too thin. Voila! The solution was Angel Hair HD. We have longed for this material for a very long time. This material replaces the flash in small flies and the Angel Hair in the bigger ones. This kind also comes in 15 different color blends. You get the whole color chart with the three hot, fluorescent colors as an extra spicy alternative.