One of the fiercest fish pulling attractors you are ever likely to use.” Ali Hamidi
This is something very different to what's gone before it, an advancement for the discerning angler. The ‘No Name’ flavour is intriguing and subtle but travels extremely well as a fish attractor in the water. The overall smell is organic and natural… giving an immediate sense that something different is going on with the molecular composition of this flavour. It is also free of colour.
During testing it has caught fish consistently wherever it has been used, including fish up to 86lb. Code named 'No Name Goo' during field testing… the name has stuck.
WARNING: Could be in very short supply moving forward as the key ingredients are hard to source at the quality required for it to work. Kiana have stated they ‘refuse to compromise on quality.’
RRP: £14.99
Quote: Ali Hamidi
“It’s an absolute barn stormer. It’s extremely complex and sophisticated and has got some very, very expensive ingredients in it. Zero colour and it is one of the fiercest fish pulling attractors you are ever likely to use.”

Fishing rod angle clamp-Korda Goo - No Name Supreme