Fishing tackle multi-layer stand-Nomad Vertex Swim Vibe | Size:- 95mm |Weight:-23g


The VERTREX SWIM (Pat. Pending Body Design) soft vibe is the first lure of its kind that swims when sinking and vibrates when lifted – perfectly imitating a lifelike swimming baitfish. Ideal for casting or working vertically, fish it with a constant retrieve or a variety of stop / start retrieves. Best fished with a fast-lifting rod action to create vibration, then allow some slack to let it swim down.

Lift the rod and it vibrates and let it freefall and it swims, there is simply nothing like the Vertrex Swim.

It is designed to be fished vertically with a fast-lifting rod action to create vibration, followed by giving it slack line to swim down. It can also be cast and used with the same stop / start motion to lift the rod and then allow the lure to freefall and swim.

The Vertrex features a full wire internal construction for extra strength and is fitted with the ultimate BKK hooks so you can fish it straight out of the box.

Key features include:
The first soft vibration lure to have a swimming action when free falling.
The swimming action is completely random in direction after each lift of the rod. It might swim left, right or any other direction when swimming on the sink and this creates an incredible random action unmatched by any other lure.
Swims when dropped under light tension meaning no missed bites.
Vibrates when lifted.
Ideal for vertical dropping or casting where a stop start retrieve is used to lift the rod and create vibration and then allow the lure to fall and swim. This creates a completely unique action that drives fish crazy.


Model No. Size Weight
Depth Action Hooks Fitted
VSWIM95 95mm 23g Up to 50ft Swims On Sink & Vibrates BKK Viper 4X Trebles #6