Fishing bait drying case-Orvis Hydros Bank Shot Intermediate Sink Tip Fly Line

Code, Colour, Rating 2ZKB2107. Moss. WF7 2ZKB2108. Moss. WF8

Orvis Hydros Bank Shot is designed to be a versatile, quick-shooting fly line to handle a multitude of situations. Great for one time casts to a bank, delivering large flies, roll casts, and single hand spey. This line is powerfully built with a short, heavy head with 10' intermediate tip with a 1.5 ips sink rate. Loads the rod quickly and reduces the need for false casts. Smooth coated line with AST patented dry-slick technology provides continual line protection and slickness.


  • Versatile powerful head to reduce false casts
  • 10' intermediate sink tip
  • Smooth coating with AST slickness
  • Color change at 30'.Pale green/dark willow to orange.
  • Line length 90'
  • Dual welded loops for easy, seamless connection to backing and leader.
  • Orvis Line ID for quick and easy identification